The stress quiz is temporarily unavailable!

We are currently updating the quiz to make it better than ever. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your interest and patience while it’s offline.

In the meantime, please consider grabbing one of these other free resources!


Try these other free resrources

  • Aerial shot of a woman walking through a zen maze on a cliff overlooking the ocean

    5 days, 5 ways to Manage Stress

    Learn 5 different ways to manage stress with meditation, breathwork, and yoga. Each day you’ll get a short (<15 mins) video guiding you through each exercise.

  • Photo of a still pond with a waterfall.  On the shore is a japanese garden lantern sitting in front of a Japanase MMaple trees.

    Meditation to Ease Stress

    In this short meditation, you’ll place stress aside to explore a place of your choosing and totally immerse yourself in it, finding a deep sense of calm and relaxation.

  • White shelves storing yoga mats and pros

    Intro to Yoga Props Video

    Learn about the yoga props we often use in Restorative and Yin classes and how you can save $$$ making your own with everyday items around the house!