4 Calming Restorative Yoga Poses You Can Do in Bed to Help You Sleep

Try this short sequence the next time your mind keeps you awake.


I envy people who fall asleep the moment their head hits their pillow. At best, I will fall asleep on my couch, and by the time I get up to bed, I'm wide awake. Sometimes, the drone of the television or some reading will put me to sleep. But some nights, my brain won't shut off, my thoughts spin, and I can't get to sleep.

My best night's sleep tends to be on Sundays, and I couldn't figure out why for a while. Then I realized that on Sunday evenings, I teach a restorative yoga class. Well, duh, Meg. Of course you sleep well after a class that primes you with calming and deeply relaxing poses supported with bolsters and blankets!  

I'm sure I'm not the only person who occasionally struggles with a little mind-racing keeping them from getting to sleep. Unfortunately, not everyone can do an hour of restorative yoga before bed to help them wind down. So, I came up with a short sequence of four poses that you can do not only before bed but in bed!

So grab your bed pillows, get comfy, and I'll walk you through them below. 

While in the poses, allow your muscles to relax fully. Focus on taking slow, even deep breaths in and out through your nose. Note: You can stay in each pose as long as you like, but I suggest trying at least 3 minutes in each!

Supported Child's Pose

  • Grab 2- 3 bed pillows. You can customize how many are best for you!

  • Kneel on your bed and place your pillow(s) lengthwise in front of you.

  • Spread your knees wide, with big toes touching.

  • Bring the pillow(s) between your legs.

  • Slowly fold your torso over the pillows and let all your muscles relax.


Yes, the photos of my demonstrating are with a bolster on my yoga may, but you get the idea.

Supported Half Frog

  • From Child's pose, push your pillow(s) forward slightly, keeping your torso on them.

  • Straighten both legs out behind you

  • Rest your head on one side, then take the leg on the side your head is facing, and pull it up alongside you with your foot gently flexed.

  • Your leg doesn't have to be at 90 degrees; just find the spot that makes you feel at ease.

  • After a few minutes, straighten the bent leg and repeat on the opposite side.


Supported Fish Pose

  • Start in an upright seated position, with knees bent and feet flat on the bed

  • Place your pillow(s) lengthwise behind you, right up against your hips.

  • Slowly lower yourself down onto the pillow(s).

  • Straighten your legs long in front of you and let your arms fall gently at your sides, palms facing up.


Legs up the Wall (Headboard)

I saved the best for last! This pose is well known to be one of the most soothing poses and can help you with sleep and in times of deep stress or anxiety.

  • Pillows are optional in this pose. Find what works for you. You can place them under your hips or head.

  • Place yourself sideways to your headboard. Get your hips and shoulder as close to it as you can.

  • Start to lie back while turning your backside to the headboard and swinging your legs up.

  • Allow your legs to rest on the headboard/wall. Adjust your hips to get as close as possible to the headboard (they do not have to touch it).

  • Play with how wide your legs are. They can be close together or as wide as you like. The wider they are, the more of an inner-thigh stretch you'll get.

  • Rest your arms wherever it feels natural. Overhead, by your sides, or resting on your belly.


When you're ready, slide those legs back down onto the bed, climb under the covers, and drift off into a blissful sleep!

Try this anytime you feel the need for a little extra pampering and calm before sleep. And remember, you don't have to do all four poses. Do those that work best for you.

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Megan Desjarlais

Written by Megan Desjarlais, Founder of Floating Lotus Design.

Meg is a Squarespace web designer & certified SEO specialist for women service providers who want a website but lack the time, desire, or skills to do it themselves. She guides them from feeling lost and frustrated to being the proud owner of an easy-to-maintain website that balances beauty and function while attracting more dream clients.


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