April is Stress Awareness Month! Get 10 Tips for Managing Daily Stress

You know that stress is no April Fool's joke, but did you know that April is Stress Awareness Month? Well, you do now! My passion is helping people manage daily stress, so I'm dedicating this month's blog posts to the topic.

Now, I know you don't need a dedicated month to be aware of your life's stress. Chances are you're acutely aware of it! However, most people soak up their stress and don't honestly deal with it. At least not in a healthy way.

Headaches, muscle aches, short tempers, lack of sleep, drinking, stress eating; it's all just the price to pay to get through the day, right?


It doesn't have to be that way. Stress is a normal part of life, and it's not going away, but how you respond to it and the toll it takes on you physically and emotionally can change.

Try incorporating some of these small changes and see what difference they make over time.

ten tips you can use to manage stress every day:

  1. Try to Eat a Healthy Diet:  A healthy diet is the cornerstone of our well-being. Try limiting or reducing your intake of sugars, bad fats, alcohol, and processed foods. Notice I didn't say eliminate?  Increase your intake of fruits and veggies and lean proteins. If cooking every day is a source of stress for you, try meal prepping on the weekend!

  2. Move!: Move your body every day. Physical exercise of all kinds can help relieve stress. Hello, endorphins! It feels good to be good to yourself, and it doesn't need to be intense exercise. Take a walk, do some yoga, have a dance break. Do whatever makes you feel good. Sitting all day is one of the worst things we can do to ourselves, so it's key to our overall well-being to use our bodies, especially as we age. If you want to stay mobile, you have to be mobile! If you've ever tried starting a car that's been parked for a long time, you know what I mean!

  3. Breathe: As a breath coach, I can attest to the power that our breath has to calm us. Simple controlled breathing can trigger our parasympathetic (rest & digest) nervous system and bring a sense of relaxation and calm. It's beneficial at all times, but especially during acute moments of stress. Next time you're feeling super-stressed, try this: Sit comfortably on the floor or a chair, back straight yet relaxed. Close your eyes and breathe in through your nose to a slow count of four and out through your nose to a slow count of four. When you inhale, the belly should expand and flatten on the exhale. Do this ten times and see how you feel!

  4. Listen to music:  Music can have transformative powers over our mood. When stressed, it can help us calm down, work out our emotions, or lift our spirits! Whatever you need, throw on your favorite tunes and soak it up!

  5. Read: Take a break to read something you enjoy. Immerse yourself in it and let the stress of the day take a step back.

  6. Laugh:  Laughter is the best medicine, friends. Watch some funny program or a clip from your favorite comedian. Tell your friends or family about the ridiculous thing that happened today. 

  7. Connect with People: Talk with someone who gets you. Share your problems and talk them out, or make small talk. Simply connecting with another human being who understands you can help relieve stress. Myself, I have a group chat with my best friends that is a life-line! Sharing the crazy stories of what is going on in our lives along with funny GIFs is just the best! It's helped us through some stressful times and kept us connected during Covid when you couldn't chat in person.

  8. Meditate: Don't be afraid to try mediation. Download a free app, find a comfy spot and pick a beginner's 5-minute mediation. You don't have to sit perfectly still, you don't have to clear your mind, and you don't have to chant. I promise.

  9. Disconnect from Social Media: Don't get lost in the scrolling. Yes, it can be a distraction, but it can also fuel stressful feelings or lead you away from being present in the moment. Put the phone down for a few hours or delete the apps for a weekend. You may be amazed at how freeing it can be.

  10. Turn off the News: Yes, we should be aware of what is going on globally, but binging on the news can ratchet up our stress when there is so much emphasis on the bad news in the media. Set a time limit each day for viewing/reading news and stick to it.

So there you go! Ten things you can try, without a lot of effort, to help manage daily stress.

Pick a few you think are doable for you and see how it goes. The key is consistency not how many of them you do. Find one or two that work for you and do them consistently to build resilience in how stress impacts you daily.

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Megan Desjarlais

Written by Megan Desjarlais, Founder of Floating Lotus Design.

Meg is a Squarespace web designer & certified SEO specialist for women service providers who want a website but lack the time, desire, or skills to do it themselves. She guides them from feeling lost and frustrated to being the proud owner of an easy-to-maintain website that balances beauty and function while attracting more dream clients.


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