My 5 Top Tips to Help You Handle Holiday Stress

Quick ways to help you manage those stressful times

Woman lying down tangled up in white christmas lights

Photo Credit: Alex Park via Pexels

Ah, late November is here and the holiday season is in full swing. This is one of the busiest and most stressful times of the year and we are all under the gun to get things done.  Avoiding stress right now is highly unlikely, but that doesn’t mean it has to take center stage and steal your spotlight.

Below I’m sharing my five top tips to help you manage holiday stress and free up some space to enjoy the brightness of the season. Let’s get right to it, shall we? 


Don’t roll your eyes at me! I have a friend who hates it if I say “Just, breathe”. “Don’t tell me what to do!” she’ll respond.  It’s in jest of course, but most folks think that something as simple as breathing can’t really help with stress.  “I breathe all day and I’m still stressed”, they tell me.  

Yes, fortunately, you are breathing all day, but just breathing as you normally do isn’t going to help.  You need to breathe with focus and intention. The beautiful thing about breathwork is that many of the exercises can be done almost anywhere; while shopping, visiting relatives, cooking, etc.

Try my favorite easy breathing exercise when you’re feeling stressed out:

  • Close your eyes or lower your gaze to the floor.

  • Breathe in through your nose slowly for four counts. (Belly should rise here)

  • Breathe out through your nose slowly for four counts. (Belly falls)

  • Do this 5-10x and see how you feel.


Is there anything that goes right into our souls and emotions faster than music? When the stress of the holidays is getting to you, take a break and put on a favorite song.  Close your eyes and get lost in it, or sing along.  Driving in the car?  Turn it up, sing it loud,  and have your own concert!

Need something more mellow? That’s cool too, put on some jazz or ambient music.  Whatever you know will soothe your nerves or lift your spirits.

Do me one favor though? Save the Emo-rock, sad love songs, and the like for Valentine’s Day ok?


Get moving my friend! Release those endorphins and happy hormones.  Lower your blood pressure. I’m not talking about a fully loaded hard workout session.  You can do that if you want, it will work, but it’s not required to reap the benefits.

Go for a short walk. Do some gentle stretching or yoga. Jump around. Throw punches in the air. Dance! (Combine that with tip #2 above!) Take a ride somewhere, or go see holiday light displays.

It doesn’t matter what you choose as long as you choose to not be anchored to your seat by stress.


In the craze and rush of the season, it can be easy to lose sight of what’s really important to us this time of year.  When you find yourself overwhelmed with stress, take a moment and think of three things you are grateful for right at that moment.  For each one, say the following out loud or in your head:

“I am grateful for _________, because _________________.”

This can help you to recalibrate and focus on the bigger picture and realize that the stressful moments are exactly that; moments that will pass.


Finally, my favorite.  Laughter is one of the best stress-relievers after all! When you find yourself getting really down from all you have going on, try to carve out some space and time for a laugh break.  

Watch your favorite comedy movie or television show. Listen to a comedy podcast or album.  Scroll through funny memes on the internet, whatever your go-to laugh factory is, pay it a visit.

And remember, you’re not alone. Everyone is dealing with some kind of extra stress this time of year.  Be kind and forgiving of yourself and others, not just this time of year, but always.

Happy Holidays!

P.S. Bonus Tip!

If you’re open to the idea of meditation and want to go a step further, take a 10-minute vacation from stress with my free guided visualization meditation to ease stress.

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Megan Desjarlais

Written by Megan Desjarlais, Founder of Floating Lotus Design.

Meg is a Squarespace web designer & certified SEO specialist for women service providers who want a website but lack the time, desire, or skills to do it themselves. She guides them from feeling lost and frustrated to being the proud owner of an easy-to-maintain website that balances beauty and function while attracting more dream clients.

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